Canis lupus - #1038

Gray Wolf
Side view, standing, Canis lupus arctos (formerly tundrarum). Also as Grey Wolf.
Geographic Distribution

Throughout the N hemisphere: North America south to 20°N in Oaxaca (Mexico); Europe; Asia, including the Arabian Peninsula and Japan, excluding Indochina and S India. Extirpated from most of the continental USA, Europe, and SE China and Indochina. Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Egypt (?), Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon (?), Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA (see status below), Uzbekistan.

Specific Epithet
Image Location
Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt Zoological Garden
K Kutunidisz