
Upcoming ASM Meeting

Meeting Date Location Additional Information
The 104th Annual Meeting - Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Updates will be on

Other Meetings of Interest - International

Meeting Date Location Additional Information
Small Mammal Cycles - Ottawa, Canada

9th European Congress of Mammalogy - Conference & Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece

It will cover all aspects of mammalian biology, such as Genetics, Evolution and Phylogeography, Conservation Biology and Management, Landscape Ecology, Population Dynamics, Diseases, Zoonoses and Parasites, Adaptations to Climate Change, Behavioral Ecology, Human-Mammal Interactions, Urban Ecology, and New Methodologies for Mammal Monitoring.

You can find some initial information in our webpage (, along with a pre-registration form.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

George Mitsainas

Meeting Site URL:

Past ASM Meeting

Meeting Date Location Additional Information
The 97th Annual Meeting - University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

You can download the 2017 meeting program here and the abstract booklet here

The 98th Annual Meeting - Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

You can download the 2018 meeting program here and the abstract booklet here.

The 99th Annual Meeting - Washington, DC

You can download the 2019 meeting program here and the abstract booklet here

The 100th Annual Meeting - Virtual

The meeting will be virutal. For more information, visit the ASM meeting website.

The 101st Annual Meeting - Tucson, AZ
The 102nd Annual Meeting - Anchorage, AK
The 103rd Annual Meeting - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO