Apodemus agrarius - #4863

Striped Field Mouse
Geographic Distribution

Palearctic and Oriental regions in two disjunct segments. One from C Europe (from S Finland, Baltic region, through Poland and C Germany to NE Italy and through the Balkan countries to Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkish Thrace; east to the Caucasus, parts of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and west of Lake Baikal region and adjacent Mongolia and NW China (Xinjiang). The other portion from the Amur River region in far E Russia extending through Korea (including some offshore islands) and westward through China from northern reaches of Nei Mongol and Heilongjiang in the northeast to W Yunnan; also in the small Senkaku Isl group of Japan and on Taiwan.

Specific Epithet
Image Location
Russia, Moscow Zoo
Image Date
18 June 2012
KD Rudloff