Arvicanthus niloticus - #1732

African Grass Rat
Anterior view of handheld animal. Also as African Arvicanthus.
Geographic Distribution

Grassland and bush of Sahelian and northern Sudanian savannas, steppe, and semidesert in subsaharan N Africa, primarily in anthropogenic habitats, from Senegal (north of Gambia River), S Mauritania eastward through Mali, Burkina Faso, C and S Niger, and C and S Chad to Sudan and western half and EC portion of Ethiopia; north along the Nile Valley through Egypt; south through NE Dem. Rep. Congo, Uganda, S Burundi, and W Tanzania into E Zamibia, where the population is isolated from the nearest one in SW Tanzania. There is a record from N Malawi, and the species also occurs in SW Arabian Peninsula. The only truly Saharan record is from SE Algeria (Hoggar).

Specific Epithet
Image Location
Kenya, Rift Valley province, Laikipia county
Image Date
SN Kinyua(contributed by Goheen, JR)