
Committees Keep ASM Functioning

The ASM Committees are an integral and vital part of our organization. Through the efforts of committee members, we are able to accomplish a wide variety of tasks which help to further the science of Mammalogy as a whole. Scroll down and pick a committee below for complete information.

Grants and

Logistics Committees



Archives Animal Care and Use
African Research Fellowship Communications Biodiversity
Black and Indigenous Scholars in Mammalogy Award Coordination Conservation
Cameron Award Elections Development
Murie Family Conservation Award IDEA Education and Graduate Students
Grants-in-Aid Mammal Images Library Marine Mammals
Honoraria and Travel Awards Membership Nomenclature
Kaufman Award Office of the Ombudspersons Public Education
Latin American Fellowship Strategic Planning Systematic Collections
James L. Patton Award Program  
Pearson Award Publications Advisory Board  
Student Science Policy Award Resolutions  


Aldo Leopold Award    
Joseph Grinnell Award    
Honorary Membership    
Hartley Jackson Award    
J. Mary Taylor Award    
C. Hart Merriam Award